
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that adds structure and catches type safety errors.




Getting going with TypeScript isn’t as straightforward as it seems. There’s tooling to configure, and the type system requires a different way of thinking about variables and functions than you used in JavaScript. Concepts like generics, mapped types, and type guards might be confusing, and the TypeScript compiler can (and will) be unforgiving when it comes to type errors.

But that’s the exact beauty of it.

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. Advantages
  3. 3. Stop reading and go TypeScripted

1. Introduction

This will probably be my shortest entry when it comes to this collection of JavaScript notes I decided to share. However, and just as stated before, yes: there are certain TypeScript concepts and features you’ll have to interiorize, but don’t forget where you come from:

    ▪ basic autocompletion,

    ▪ limited refactoring support,

    ▪ and the constant fear of runtime errors.

JavaScript’s flexibility is a double-edged sword. While it allows you to quickly write code that works, it also leaves you open to runtime errors and subtle bugs that can be tricky to track down.

2. Advantages

TypeScript provides the following advantages (and quite more) over vanilla JavaScript:

Tooling that improves developer experience (e.g., IntelliSense).
Eliminates runtime bugs through static analysis.
Facilitates easier refactoring with type safety.
Better collaboration through clear type contracts.

Making types clear directs our attention to the details of our system’s construction and the interactions between its many components. In addition, types invalidate many trivial errors that may creep into JavaScript codebases - and provide a rapid feedback loop for correcting all the minor problems that occur while writing new code or refactoring.

However, although this might sound overwhelming, JavaScript and TypeScript are not so different at all.

3. Stop reading and go TypeScripted

TypeScript wasn’t invented to make JavaScript strongly typed: it was built to allow amazing tooling for JavaScript.

Let’s imagine JavaScript, but with static type features added. If we remove all of the types from TypeScript code, what’s left should be valid JavaScript code. The formal word used in the TypeScript documentation is “type-level extension”: most TypeScript features are type-level extensions to JavaScript, and they don’t affect the code’s runtime behavior:


In the beginning, TypeScript was unthinkable for me - until I saw an example similar to this one. We can’t reduce TypeScript to this specific example, as you’ll encounter both differences and similarities between it and JavaScript.

Embrace this example if you don’t feel confident enough, though - and keep building from it.

Now, allow me to repeat myself: go TypeScript yourself. I am serious.

Stop reading me.

Close this window.

Don’t be scared.

It’ll be fine.

TypeScript your limits.

JavaScript mascot holding a TypeScript flag.

All Notes: